Blaze Star
T Coronae Borealis
The Blaze Star is a recurring nova (not a supernova) in the constellation Corona Borealis. It also known as T Coronae Borealis or T CrB for short. A nova event is expected any day now. The star will suddenly brighten up to a similar luminosity as Polaris (North Star). The next occurance is expected in 2104.
We have captured this image a few days before; T CrB is in the lower left corner.
Technical details
Details | |
Telescope | Skywatcher Esprit 100ED (f/5.5) |
Filter | Astrodon LRGB Gen2 E-Series |
Coma corrector | - |
Field flattener | Skywatcher Esprit (1x) |
Camera | QHYCCD 268m, -15°C, Mode 5, Gain 56, Offset 5 |
Resolution | 6252x4176 |
Light frames | L: 18 (20s), 6m |
R: 18 (20s), 6m | |
G: 18 (20s), 6m | |
B: 18 (20s), 6m | |
24m total | |
Flat frames | 16 each |
Darkflat frames | - |
Dark frames | - |
Bias frames | - |
Location | Kalkalpen Nationalpark, Austria |
Local time | 2024-08-27 22:56 - 23:43 (72 frames) |
Field of View | 2°25' x 1°37' (rotation 0°) |
Image Center | 15h57m02s +26°23'06 |