„Lift up your eyes to heaven and see. Who has created these things?
It is the One who brings out their army by number; He calls them all by name.
Because of his vast dynamic energy and his awe-inspiring power, Not one of them is missing (…)”

Middle Eastern poem about the stars, 8th century BCE

Our recent pictures

Soul Nebula

IC1848 / Westerhout 5 / Sharpless 2-199 / LBN 667

The Soul Nebula is a young, about a 1 million year old, emission nebula in Cassiopeia. It is 7,500 light-years away and is 100 light-years across. This nebula is close to the Heart Nebula we captured in 2021.

read more Jan 5, 2022



Some fun: from 13 measurments on the raw images we get 1244.23 pixels as the Sun’s diamater. The pixel size is 4.06μm in this sensor so the size of the Sun’s image on the sensor is 5051.57μm (5.052mm). The focal length of telescope is 550mm. The Sun was 151,801,908km away when this image was taken. To get the diamater of the Sun: 5.052mm x 151,801,908km / 550mm = 1,394,369km (which is only 1% off of the best available measurements).

read more Jun 5, 2021


(4) Vesta

Vesta is one of the largest asteroids in our solar system; about 9% of the total mass of the asteroid belt is concentrated in this object. Its diamater is around 525 km.

read more Apr 2, 2021

Orion Nebula

M42, M43 and The Running Man Nebula

A spiral galaxy like our Milky Way contains a diffuse interstellar medium of gas, dust, and trace amounts of heavier elements produced by old, dying stars. Sometimes these clouds collapse under their own weight, triggering star formation. In Orion there are about 700 stars in different stages of formation.

read more Mar 2, 2021

Beehive Cluster

M44 / NGC 2632 / Cr 189

The Beehive Cluster is one of nearest open star clusters to Earth. Along with many main sequence stars it contains red giants and white dwarfs (which are much older stars). They are about 560 light-years away from Earth and on avarage 600 million years old.

read more Feb 11, 2021

C/2020 F3 (NEOWISE)

Comet C/2020 F3 (NEOWISE)

In this no-so-great-picture the comet is about 104 million km away, speeding at 54.000 km/h. The core is about 5 km in diamater, the tail is over 87.000 km long.

read more Jul 20, 2020


How do we take astrophotos?

What kind of equipment is needed to take these pictures

People keep asking us if these pictures are made by us. They are. Really. This is the equipment we use.

read more Nov 5, 2023


Assorted throwaway pancakes

More often than not astrophotos don’t come out the way you planned them to. There are about 200 steps involved in taking a picture, and they all have to be right. Also, often we need to experiment, finetune equipment or the sky is not good enough for long enough to finish a project. These are some examples of failures and experiments.

read more Mar 20, 2022
